Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A weekend is a long time in politics.

What a difference a week end makes.  Last week we were being warned of financial Armageddon.  Today?  Well, it’s a rather different story.

Tohru Sasaki, head of Japan market research at JPMorgan Chase in Tokyo, said falls in European markets would "not cause a financial crisis with the magnitude of the Lehman shock in 2008".

Or how about the thoughts of the Chancellor. In a statement issued before the UK stock market opened on Monday George Osborne said the UK was ready to face the future "from a position of strength".

He also indicated there would be no immediate emergency Budget.  Mr Osborne said there would still need to be an "adjustment" in the UK economy, but added it was "perfectly sensible to wait for a new prime minister" before taking any such action.

Or Mervyn King, former Governor of the Bank of England: "Doom and Gloom... Wildly Exaggerated"
That was a BBC interview and was on their referendum webpage.  But I can’t find it now.  Odd that.

Anyway.  The traffic lights are still working.  So are the hospitals.  The trains are on time.  My bank is still allowing withdrawals.  Last Wednesday night before the vote it felt like if the people voted Leave everything would grind to a halt.   

It hasn’t.

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