Friday, June 17, 2016

Some people live on a weird planet.

It really does make you wonder how low some people will go in the world of campaigning.  As one blogger noted today, “With the blood not yet dry on the pavement the Guardian could not resist making political hay out of this tragedy”.

What did the Guardian do? They used pretty dramatic language.  It was an "attack on humanity, idealism and democracy". Phew.  That’s heavy.

Then the self-proclaimed heavyweight darling of the left, Polly Toynbee, weighed in.

The mood is ugly and an MP is dead”.  Now what exactly was she saying here?  Was there some not so subtle innuendo? Was she saying that there is a cause and effect?  Was she hinting that someone was to blame other then the person who allegedly did the killing?  Why in the same article did she talk  about Michael Gove, Boris Johnson, Enoch Powell, Sir Oswald Moseley and Hitler?  Not so subtle there.  Phew again.  

An SNP MSP retweeted that “it was a political assassination”.   Phew yet again.

Breitbart London columnist James Delingpole wrote on how the Remain campaign is exploiting the death of Mrs. Cox.

Is there any depth to which you will not stoop in order somehow to snatch victory in this EU referendum?” he wrote, following a Breitbart London expose of how Remain campaigners were tweeting the blame at the Brexit camp just minutes after the incident was first reported.

But I leave till last the words of the European Union (EU) Commissioner for Migration who claimed that Jo Cox MP was “murdered for her dedication to European democracy and humanity”.

What weird planet are these people on?

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