Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Missing the plane.

One does wonder, on occasion, what planet some people are on. 

Let’s assume I go to catch a flight.  I know it leaves at 12:00.  My airline has told me the gates will close at 11:40.  So what do I do?  I get there in plenty of time to board the said flight.

I make sure I consider things like the time that will be spent at security, that’s a big variable at times.

I may also want to visit the loo, buy a coffee.   There are many things you can do on the way to a plane.

But at the end of the day, it’s my choices, my decisions that will mean I catch or miss the flight.
So why on earth is there a clamour for the extension of the deadline for people to register to vote for the upcoming referendum?  Everyone knew when the deadline was.  If people are now saying that didn’t know when the deadline was until 2 hours before the deadline, I simply don’t believe them.

I’m afraid in life if you don’t follow the rules, you miss the plane.  Given the people who were all trying to register at the last minute, literally, were doing so from their devices, it’s not beyond reasonableness to suggest they could have used the said device earlier in the day.  So avoiding the queues at the end.

Those who missed out should just chalk it down to learning a lesson.

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