Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Which is the really scary option?

Well, it’s just over a week to go till we vote.

Perhaps, if we haven’t done much to find out the story behind the headlines, now is the time to look at the EU.

Some would say it’s very scary staying, what with being tied into a shrinking European economy at the expense of trading with the expanding wider world. Then there are things like who will have the finger on our nuclear button in the proposals to set up an EU army which are set to be launched by the EU the day after the vote.  

Or those who say leaving is the scary option given the uncertainty some say it may bring.  “Better what we know” they would say. 

So, is it as scary leaving as it is to stay?  What are some of the real things that really matter? 

Most reasonable commentators eschew the extreme claims from the both camps.  It’s laughable, for example, to suggest we won’t be able to trade with the EU or the Germans will support tariffs against the UK which will actually severely damage their own car industry more than it will ours.   Equally it’s not helpful to over egg the benefits from putting in place a points based system of migration control.  And the chancellors threat today to do an emergency budget to punish us is we vote leave is just so ridiculous. People have given up believing, or indeed trusting, these extreme outbursts.

Some say it really it all boils down to two things.  Democracy and  Accountability. To whom do we want to give the privilege to rule us?

So on that basis it is worth spending time watching this movie about the issues.

Then decide.

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