Sunday, June 26, 2016

A strange view of what is democratic.

There is a bit of sadness in the air this morning.  It seems that a sizeable number of our fellow citizens don’t understand that we live in a democracy.  They are signing up to a petition that calls for the referendum to be re-run.  Don’t they understand that a vote is a vote?  And given the deadline for registering to vote was extended, and everyone who wanted to register to vote did so, the result is the result.

What kind of country do these signing up think we live in?  What kind of education have they had that leads them to think that because a vote didn’t go the way you wanted, you can get it changed?  One where mob rule can overturn a democratic vote.

There is a problem here.  People are being encouraged to believe that they can change a democratic vote.  They in effect are being encouraged to believe in anarchy, unless you get your own way.

There is of course a sub text to this.  One wonders if the dead hand of the EC is lurking in there somewhere.  Who can forget that the Republic of Ireland voted not to join the Euro currency, only to be told, you voted wrong?  Vote again.  Or…..  

Such is the contempt that the European Commission has for democracies they replaced democratically elected governments in Greece, Italy and Portugal.  They would have done the same in Ireland I’m sure.

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