Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Turkey for Christmas?

Well, maybe not this Christmas.  But possibly a lot sooner than the prime minsiter has been suggesting according to the AFP international news gathering organisation Brussels office.

They report today that the EU will open new membership talks with Turkey, as planned, in a few days, EU diplomatic sources said on today.  Indeed, AFP quote one who says that EU member states will meet on June 30 to agree to open a new negotiating chapter with Turkey on finance and budget affairs. 
A British spokesperson in Brussels said the decision was procedural and followed up a pledge made by European Union leaders in March to open another accession chapter with Turkey.

"In March, all member states agreed to open Chapter 33, during the Netherlands (six-month EU) presidency. This is a technical step to implement that agreement," the spokesperson said.

Ruth Davidsons assertiosn in last nights debate are unravelling rather too quickly for the Remain campaigns liking.

So, no Turkey for Christmas this year. But unlike the impression given last night, clearly it is on the menu.

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