Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Truth is out there. At 1hr 19min 17 sec.

1hr 19min 17sec.  That is how long it took in last night’s BBC debate for the truth to come out.

And that truth is that at the end of the day our UK courts and our UK parliament are subservient to the European Court of Justice.  We know that because it is in the Maastricht Treaty undertaken to integrate Europe and signed on 7 February 1992.  If you have the time, go read it for yourself.  It’s all there.

The look on the face Sadiq Khan said it all.  1hr 19min 27sec.  The game was up.

What Boris Johnson said was: The European Court of Justice is the supreme legal authority in our country.  For which (and he SK) knows that because he is a lawyer, and he would not deny that, would you deny that?”    

Sadiq Khan of course couldn’t deny it. He knows what Boris said was totally true.

And yet, that above everything else, is the most important part of the debate.  Can we eject from office the people who create our laws?  European law comes from two sources.  The European Commission whom we don’t elect.  And the European Court of Justice whom we don’t elect.   (The European Parliament, in spite of its name, doesn’t make laws like our UK parliament does).

It is a very uncomfortable truth for the Remain side.  Which is why Mr Khan had nothing to say.  

Watch it on the BBC iPlayer.

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