Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dyson vs Miliband.

It is interesting to contrast and compare. 

Ed Miliband on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 stated the reason for Leave doing so well was that we, Remain, “are not getting our message across”.  It clearly has never entered his head that the message is getting across loud and clear, and the electorate don’t like it.

So it was with much relief I read today the breezy, confident and optimistic words of another well-known name, Sir James Dyson.  The Remain campaign tells us that no one will trade with us if we leave the EU.  That’s absolute cobblers”.

What is the difference between these two people? Dyson has risked all to create a world class company that has created thousands of high skilled, high paid jobs and exports around the globe (81% of his output doesn’t go near the EU). Miliband has spent his life never having worked in the productive sector of the economy earning a living.  Never created a job in his life.

That’s why Miliband is supporting Remain.  And that’s why Dyson is supporting Leave.

Who would you rather follow?

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