Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What is the EU is hiding till after the Referendum?

Rather a lot actually. But here is one to whet your appetite.

An EU army.   We’ve known about this for some time now.  But for some reason the prime minister doesn’t want to shout about it from the roof tops.  Which is odd because if he genuinely really believes in the EU, he should be telling us the EUs wonderful plans.  We will love them, won’t we?  Yes, it’s the European Commission’s plan for an EU Army.  But for some reason, it’s being kept under wraps till June 24th.  Why would that be?

So like to know more?   Well, according to The Times the plans, the not so secret paper on “foreign and security policy”, was drawn up by the EU’s foreign policy chief.  It foresees the development of new European military and operational structures, including a headquarters.  These proposals are supported and seen by Germany and other countries as the first step towards an EU army.

Still want to vote Remain?

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