Thursday, June 02, 2016

Help needed, I’m not winning the argument.

It really is quite extraordinary.  We have our prime minister inviting leaders of other countries to intervene in a debate that the people of the UK are having.

To me this suggests two things.  First of all, people like Angela Merkel think that they know what is best for UK citizens and effectively is telling us so.  Bit of a slap in the face would you not say to all these UK citizens who have taken the trouble to work out the issues and then decide, either for or against Leaving. But no, she knows best and intervenes in an internal UK issue.  Would she like us to intervene in the next elections in Germany, because the outcome could affect the UK?  No, I don’t think she would like that.

But there is something else.  For our prime minster to call on the help of the German Chancellor is quite remarkable.  He is saying, “I’ve not got any arguments to convince you, but here’s Angela, let’s let her try.”   

When you think about it for more than a few seconds the contempt that our prime minister is holding the UK electorate in is quite something.

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