Monday, June 20, 2016

We, the people.

The headline of todays Herald is somewhat wearisome.  It may be telling the truth.  But its words should not have been spoken for it will give a bizarre succour to the perpetrator of the crime.  It will show that one man’s actions can influence the public, albeit not in the way he might have been hoping.

The headline?  Jo Cox killing could have “significant effect” on outcome of EU referendum.  These were the words from former first minister Alex Salmond. 

The former first minister also called for an end to what he claimed was “gutter” and “sewer” style campaigning from the Brexit side in the wake of the popular mum-of-two’s high-profile killing. 

He said the “tragic” events surrounding the Labour MP dying from gunshot and stab wounds may give people “pause for thought”. 

A couple of points.   Perhaps Mr Salmond and I have been following different media over the past few days.  The gutter and sewer hasn’t been from Leave.  It has been from Remain who, within an hour, were writing, blogging and tweeting about how the Leave camp was to blame.

But it is the “pause for thought” he talks about.  Is he seriously inviting us to change how we vote on the most important question of our generation because of what one man did?  It certainly looks that way from where I’m sitting; otherwise, for what purpose is he calling us to take time for a pause for thought?

I don’t know about you, but I find that one of the most remarkable and disappointing things I’ve ever heard Mr Salmond say.

What he should have said was “this man should not influence us either way by his vile actions.  We, the people, will decide our future, not him”.   

But he didn’t.

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