Thursday, July 07, 2016

Hiding below the decks when the battle rages is not leadership.

The battle between May and Leadsom is not a battle between them to be leader of the party.  It’s not even a battle to be prime minister.  It’s a battle for the very soul of the Conservative party.  

On two sides we have very different ideologies.  The free marketer, let’s go back into the world again vs the lets go steady as she goes with no surprises.

For me, in these In time like these, we need vision, we need to look out, we need adventurous spirit because the rest of the world wants us to be like that.  More of the same is a recipe for disaster.  This is a time we have given ourselves of opportunity.  We need to grasp it. 

Mrs Mays words today outside parliament were depressing.  They didn’t talk about onwards and upwards.  They talked about steady hand and experience.  All well and good, though her Home Office record does have more than a few awkward moments.

The fact IDS is backing Leadsom does it for me.  Outward looking for opportunity.  Inward looking to look after those who need looking after.

Just remember one thing, in the Referendum Mrs May hid below the decks while everyone else was out there working in the Referendum ...says a lot for her character. People took masses of flack for their brexit positions and she couldn't be bothered, or tactically didn’t want to, get involved.

Pretty poor show while everyone else was nailing their colours to a Leave or Remain mast, she hid below decks.  And hardly leadership.  

It may well come back to haunt her.

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