Thursday, May 19, 2016

Won't exports be harmed if we LEAVE?

The idea that most of our exports go to the EU is just plain wrong.  Trotted out time and time again by the REMAIN camp, they assume we don't do the basic fact checking that is so easy these days.

So we will our exports be damaged if we leave the EU?

Let us start with a fact.  Most of our exports don’t go to the EU.  Only 41% goes to the EU according to the House of Commons Library.  And they are rarely wrong.

And the EU is a big exporter to the UK.  So breaking it down, the EU accounts for 41% of the UK’s goods exports and 47% of goods imports. 

So who needs who the most?  Well, put it this way, I really wouldn’t like to be the German chancellor or the French president telling their fellow citizens that for no reason other than spite, they were going to increase the costs of trading with the UK.  I really don’t think Peugeot, Mercedes, Citroën, Audi and the rest would allow that to happen.  Do you?

The EU would be criminally insane to spitefully punish its own people by creating unemployment in its key areas of manufacturing just because the UK dared to say "it's time to leave".

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