Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The end is nigh. Again......

Well, I really couldn’t believe the news when I woke up to Today on Radio 4 this morning.

The prime minister is claiming that if we leave the EU, it is more likely that the earth will be hit by an asteroid. 

It appears that if we leave the EU, the amount of funding that will be available to the European Space Agency will be reduced and one of the programmes most likely to be hit will be the Direct Asteroid Finding Technology programme.  So if we are not contributing to the EU, the EU will put less money into the programme.  We are more likely to get hit by an asteroid.

Spokesman for the Direct Asteroid Finding Technology programme, eminent physicist Professor Immon Le Choking of the University of Soha Soha Ország in Hungary, said “we in Soha Soha Ország really cannot underestimate the importance of this programme.  It is only a matter of time before this programme will produce results.  Right now there are dozens of asteroids circling in the solar system that will be coming our way. If Britain leaves, it means we are all more vulnerable”.

Nick Clegg jumped in the debate by suggesting that hundreds of thousands of scientists, maybe even millions, in the UK associated with the wider ESA programmes could see their jobs jeopardised as the EU would not want to continue working with the UK if we were damaging another of their funded programmes.

Well, maybe all these scare stories by the prime minister are not so wild after all.

Or maybe I’ve just made all this up…….

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