Monday, May 09, 2016

He makes me laugh. If only it wasn't so serious.

There you go again Mr Cameron.  This time he is suggesting BREXIT could endanger peace.  And he says he has history on his side.  Funny that because there is an equally powerful argument backed by history that says by forcing different cultures together under an undemocratic non accountable system of government, civil war will surely follow.  Think of all the empires that have ultimately floundered on that problem.  Not many that didn’t.

It wasn’t that long ago that Mr Osborne was at the same game.  One set of figures (all be it from a very dodgy Treasury dossier) saying we will all be poorer if we leave.  Yet another set of economists say, nonsense, in the medium term we will be much better off to an extent that could not happen if we stayed in the EU.

Another says trade will dry up.  To be countered by, "what, the Germans will force their car industry into recession by cutting off sales to their most profitable market?"  No, I don't think so either.
So who do you believe?  Or what should you believe?

To me all the figures being bandied around are just people opinions.  They are not facts.

To me the basics are:
  • Staying in the EU will mean loss of the ability to make our own laws that are relevant to our own country.
  • By implication, it means we are saying our UK parliament is not good enough to make our own laws.
  • It is saying we don’t trust the people we elect to make good laws.
  • It is saying we put more trust in people we don’t elect and cant un-elect.
  • It is saying we prefer a system of rule that says the EU can replace our government over the wishes of the UK electorate. (Yes, they did so in Greece, Italy and Portugal.  Ireland is lucky it voted for the Euro or it could have suffered the same ignominy.)

 If you are happy with that, vote to stay.  If not, vote Leave

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