Sunday, May 22, 2016

It is not right vs right.

Although the media seem to be furthering the rather once sided view of saying the Referendum is all about divisions internal to the Conservative party, they couldn’t be more wide of the mark.  
“Staying in the EU means hitching ourselves to an undemocratic project run by and for a remote elite”, says Larry Elliott in theGuardian.  And he is right.  Well, actually, he is left leaning politically.  And that’s the point.  This characterisation of it being a problem for the right is a myth.  And a pretty cynical one at that.  It distorts the debate.  It stifles conversations.  And it means the electorate are really being fed, and this what it amounts to, a rather biased and ultimately disrespectful discourse from the Remain camp.
So what does Larry Elliott have to say from a left of centre stance?  Well, the first thing is a fact.  Not an opinion.  The Eurozone is dying.  Anyone who says otherwise is living with their head the sand. 

The only options on the table are, stay in the EU and try and reform the Eurozone.  Or, leave the EU and let our businesses and industries free from the restrictions the dying embers of the Eurozone are still trying to set as the way ahead.

So is Brexit the best answer to a dying Eurozone?  Quite possibly.  Sometimes the only way to jog someone out their problems is for a sharp wake up call.  Brexit could be just what rEU needs.

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