Monday, May 23, 2016

Living by numbers.

A contributor to today summed up the cynicism that is now greeting statements from David Cameron and George Osborne.

“This morning Javid said leaving would cost 500,000 jobs.
Now the Treasury says leaving will cost 820,000 jobs. (That’s quite a jump in 3 hours!)
Clegg in 2011 said leaving would cost 3,000,000 jobs. (So why the 2.5m differnce to Javid?)
The SNP said independence would create 200,000 jobs.
Brown says staying will create 500,000 jobs.
Brown said he'd create 100,000 jobs in 2009. In the "New Deal".
Obama recons he created 12,800,000 jobs.
Cameron said he'd create 2,000,000 jobs 2015-2020 (in the General Election campaign).
Labour said 1,000,000 new "high tech" jobs 2015-2025. (in the GE campaign).
Lib Dems said they'd "campaign for" 1,000,000 new jobs. (in the GE campaign).”

Why do these people think the general public are fed up with them?  Or perhaps it has never crossed their minds that the “little people” are indeed beginning to revolt.

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