Thursday, May 12, 2016

Money, money, money. It’s a rich man’s world.

Well, there you have it.  If you ever wanted to know who desperately want us to stay in the EU, the list of big businesses that are funding the Remain campaign are beginning to emerge.  And what does the list tell us?  It contains many of the same big old corporate figures that said that it would be a disaster if we didn’t join the Euro.  And just remember how that particular experiment supported by the big corporates turned out for the people of Greece Spain, Portugal and Italy who were left with unemployment rates of 50%.  And people in poverty.

The figures released by the Electoral Commission show that Citigroup and Morgan Stanley donated £250,000 each to the official Britain Stronger in Europe group.   And two other USA banks – Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan – donated £500,000 each to the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign before February when donations had to be declared.  What on earth were USA banks doing funding a campaign in the UK you may well ask.

Other donations came from France’s Airbus and Eurostar, which gave £7,500 each.  

And here is an odd one.  You know how we as the taxpayers partially own the TSB.  Well, the official figures also disclosed that Lloyds TSB lent the Remain campaign £20,000 at an interest rate of just one per cent.  Nice if you can get it.  So the taxpayers in favour of leave are, through the ownership of TSB, actually funding Remain.
Lord David Owen, the Eurosceptic former Labour foreign secretary, said the fact that such large multi-nationals had donated to the In campaign showed the Vote Leave group was engaged in a “David and Goliath fight”.  He said: “The EU works in the interests of the elite - the one per cent - so it is entirely unsurprising to find that the campaign to keep us in the Union is financed by big banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.”

These figures show again that we are in a David vs Goliath fight, but it is one we are determined to win - for the good of the British people.”

They are the ones who pay the costs of uncontrolled migration - through lower wages, and unsustainable pressure on public services such as schools and hospitals.”

Now is the opportunity for them to strike back - and reclaim control of the £350 million we send to the EU every week, to spend it on their priorities instead.”

So as the day gets closer to you marking the ballot paper, just ask yourself the question, who’s side do I want to be on?  The side funded by big USA banks?  No?  Better Vote Leave then.

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