Monday, May 30, 2016

It's all Greek to me.

I was out on the door step the other night I was canvasing for Leave.  At one household, the lady said she was not registered to vote.  She was Greek. “I wish I could vote to get the UK out” she said.  The EU has destroyed my country (Greece).  Driven us to poverty”.  There were tears in her eyes.  She has seen first hand how the country, where the term democracy was first used thousands of years ago, could have its democracy destroyed by the EU.  All because Greece had the temerity to stand up to the unelected European Commission.  

Probably more than any one I’ve met, she persuaded me that voting to Leave is the right thing to do.

Remember, at the end of the day, forget everything people throw at you on opinions, theories, and projections.  There is only one question you need to answer.

Do you want the laws that govern you made by people you elect and can kick out of office at the next election if you don't like what they are doing? Then vote LEAVE.

Or do you want laws that govern you made by people you didn’t elect and can’t kick out of office at the next election if you dont like what they are doing becasue they have never actually stood for a democratic mandate in an election in the first place?  Then vote REMAIN.

The people of Greece tried to exercise their own democratic authority against the EU and failed.   

They had a government imposed on them over the wishes of the electorate by the EU, as did Italy. 

That’s the way it will always be in the EU.  And you want to remain?

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