Monday, May 16, 2016

Odd company for the chancellor to keep.

You have to admit, George Osborne is a remarkable operator.  He can say things that would make a normal person blush with embarrassment.  He can conjure up black as white.  He can, well, you get the drift of where this is going.

Today was no exception.  Bold as brass.  Declaring that the economic case for REMAIN had been won. 

Really?  I can think of many economists who would beg to disagree. Indeed, the letter in today’s Telegraph also suggests 300 leading business leaders would also disagree.

Which leaves me with three options for his embarrassing behaviour with Vince Cable and Ed Balls today.  Yes, Cable and Balls, which is hardly the company I would want to be keeping if I wished to make a serious economic point. Was it not Labour’s disregard for taxpayers’ money that left the UK with the worst deficit of any country in the G20 and left us spending more on debt interest than we spend on schools, the police, or defence?

Anyway, back to Mr Osborne and our three options.

Option One.  Well, I’m afraid he has been listening to his spin doctors rather too much of late.  And is starting to believe them.

Option Two.  And this is what I’m really uncomfortable about, he actually believes it.  For if he does, I’m worried that such a man is at the wheel of our nations finances.

Option Three.  There is of course a third explanation which is even more unpalatable.  He’s telling lies and he knows it.  Now, that would be serious!

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