Monday, May 09, 2016

Penny for the Guy?

Now when did you last see boys, or girls for that matter, out on the streets asking for a “Penny for the Guy”?  This of course dates  back to 1605 and the gunpowder plot to bring to an end what Guy Fawkes saw as a rotten government by blowing up the House of Lords.

Well, in these technological digital savvy days we do crowd funding.   And the target is not the House of Lords but the House of the EU.  

Martin Durkin is a television producer and director, most prominently of television documentaries for Channel 4. He's not asking for a Penny for the Guy.  But a contribution towards making BREXIT:  The Movie.  No big corporate donations from EU funded organisations.  Just money from the ordinary woman or man in the street like you and me.  And know what?  He did it. And Brexit:The Movie has its premier on Wednesday 11th May in London.

Full red carpet job.

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