Monday, May 16, 2016

The case against polititians.

It was a beautiful day on Saturday in Glasgow.  Buchanan Street was full of the bustle that retailers delight in.  And the street cafes were doing a roaring trade.

So there was I with some with some friends out “selling” the case for freedom.  Or for leaving the shackles of the EU.

There were three kinds of people I spoke with.  There was around 1/3 each for Leave, Remain and Don’t Know.

Now, I know that this was not a scientific survey but it was revealing none the less. 

There was the number of SNP supporting people who really couldn’t get their head round why we would want to leave the UK but be shackled to an even less free EU.  There was much sympathy for the excellent performance on BBC Question Time last Thursday by Jim Sillars.  They got his point.  And were convinced by it more than the increasingly “hysterical” (not my words) utterances of Ms Sturgeon.

Labour supporters were interesting too.  They couldn’t understand why they would be supporting a Conservative Prime Minster who was clearly talking more and more rubbish as the campaign continues.

So, where does that leave things?  Well, one thing it is leaving is a very bad taste in peoples mouths.  They “don’t trust” politicians whose position has become even more exaggerated.  They think they are just telling us lies and it’s all those with vested interests who want us to stay.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

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