Monday, May 23, 2016

The cry wolf chancellor.

So, todays quiz is, who said “the UK would do okay outside the European Union”?

Go on, guess.

And part two of the quiz?  Why did the chancellor say today that 820,000 jobs would be threatened if we were to leave the EU?  Mr Osborne also said the UK economy could be plunged into a recession if Britain cut ties with Brussels.  

I don’t know why he said that except as a scare point because the opposite position could equally reasonably and vociferously be made by the LEAVE camp with the potential for jobs growth away from the failing economy of the EU being much more likely.
The answer to the question one of the quiz is, of course, David Cameron.  He said this while on LBC Radio.  To be accurate he said: “I think Britain of course could survive outside the EU. We’re an amazing country, the fifth largest economy in the world.”

So should he not be calling off his attack dog chancellor who is beginning to look a bit like the boy who cried wolf in Aesop fable.   

The moral being, even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed.  And the chancellor is coming dangerously close to being that boy.

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