Friday, May 13, 2016

Porkie pies, George.

One has to be careful these days.  People fact check all the time.  So if you say something, be sure people will check it out.

So it was a bit unfortunate that basic rule was not remembered by George Osborne.  A bit silly to say that the IMF’s Brexit-bashing report is totally impartial.  To use his words: “Today the independent IMF reinforced the conclusions of the independent bank of England.”
All well and good, if it were true.
The thing is, if you are going to say such things, it would be sensible if you told your friends so that  they could all be on message as it were.  Singing for the same hymn sheet.

So it’s unfortunate that Christine Lagarde clearly didn’t get the memo. She began by thanking the UK Treasury for their help in writing the report.

“Let me by the same token thank all UK authorities who have been helping us in preparing the article for work in the last few weeks. There’s always been good cooperation between the Treasury, the Bank of England and any other authorities that we consult with”.

Independent report George?  You think we are stupid?

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