Thursday, January 03, 2019

No deal? There is no such thing!

A couple of question to get the brin in gear.  

Is there is no requirement under article 50 to have a deal to leave the EU and no requirement to have a withdrawal agreement?  I’ve done the leg work for you.  The answer is no.    

Question two, was there was ever the chance the EU would be reasonable?  Well, I suppose they might.  But I’m struggling to think of one occasion in its history then they have been if it didn’t suit their creation of a super state project?  Basically history shows the EU don’t do reasonable.    

So give there is no requirements to have a deal with the EU I place.  And given the EU will ever do anything that doesn’t satisfy their desire for total control, it is quite reasonable for us to leave the EU on a World Trade deal.   

There is no such thing as no deal.

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