Tuesday, January 22, 2019

John Curtice speaks.

So, the people want second referendum?  Well, that all depends who you ask.  And what you ask.   

But when the most authoritative voice of reason, John Curtice, Professor of Politics at Strathclyde University, and Senior Research Fellow at NatCen Social Research speaks, people listen.  Or at least you hope they will.   

And what has he had to say today?   Well, nothing particularly surprising in one sense.   

When Leave supporters were asked whether there should be another referendum on the principle of Brexit, only one in eight are in favour.  

In contrast around two-thirds of Remain voters want a second referendum, irrespective of how the question is asked.    

So, either way, the popularity of a second vote is clearly largely confined to those who wish to reverse Brexit.  No surprise there then.  So when remain Campaigners claim 'the people' want a second referendum, but that's not what the polls say.   

So I suppose the second non surprise is that Remainers keep pedalling their propaganda that people want a 2nd referendum.  Remainers do.  Voters don’t.

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