Saturday, January 12, 2019

Doesn’t look good.

So police arrest a man today.  Not for just anything.  But for shouting abuse at an MP, Anna Soubry.  No physical assault.   Just shouting.  But they now dress it up as a public order offence. 

A few weeks ago a man shouted abuse at Mr Rees-Mogg.  On the pavement outside his house.  In other words in a public place.  Indeed, not just at him but his children and their mother.  With a police man but a few feet away who witnessed the whole event.   Arrests?  Er, none.   

It does sound and feel rather uncomfortable.  It seems it’s ok to fire abuse at a child.  But not a grown MP.   

I wonder if it has dawned on anyone in the Metropolitan police what this looks like?  It’s ok to give verbal abuse to children of a Leave supporter.  But not ok to give verbal abuse to Remain politician who is well capable of looking after herself and often has dished out as good as she gets.   

Doesn’t look good.

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