Saturday, January 26, 2019

How to put off customers. Create a queue.

You do wonder sometimes what parallel universe ardent Remainers live in.   

The current scare story reported in the London Evening Standard suggests the European Commission have decreed that UK citizens will no longer be allowed to use lanes allocated for citizens of EU or European Economic Area countries.  So expect queues to form at what is usually a single customs desk at some airports while empty desks sit for non-existent travellers.   

What a nice way to welcome someone to your country who you hope are going to spend lots of money.   

But Portugal, a nation that really needs UK pounds spent within its borders to help its struggling economy has immediately come up with a solution, encouraged no doubt by all the businesses that could suffer if such childish controls were really introduced.    They have announced that they will introduce special passport lanes for British tourists at Faro and Funchal airports.  No wait, no problem.   

Until Brussels intervenes that is.  

EU member states are reminded they could not unilaterally be able to relax rules imposed by Brussels.   

So once again, the truth is out there.  The EU really only want to do one thing.  To punish the UK for having had the temerity to have a free vote that produced a decision to leave the European Union.  And in punishing UK travellers they also punish the poor Portuguese who desperately need tourist income.  Not that the EU seems to care.

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