Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Calling people names.

“A rump of hard right, hard Brexiteers. They should have been booted out by previous leaders. They behave appallingly and only represent themselves and their warped ideology. They need to get a life but they don’t have lives because they’re obsessed with Europe.” In other words, the people who actually support the vote of 17,410,742 people are the bad guys.  It’s all their fault.   

We reckon that overall 52% voted to leave, but the 48% who voted to remain have been put to one side in this process and ignored. That has to stop. We have to come back together and we have to do the right thing.  In other words, democratic votes are a waste of time.  The will of the people should be put aside to accommodate those who lost the vote.    If that be the case, should an MP stand aside as they only received 1.5% more of the vote in the 2017 general election than the candidate in 2nd place?  Indeed, in our first past the post system, what if they didn’t even get a majority of the votes cast garnering only 48.2% of votes cast.    

“The problem is they all look and sound like mini Moggs.”  In other words, I can insult you. Given the distinctive physical and vocal features of Mr Rees-Mogg, it’s clear they are ok to insult.  But don’t insult me back seems to be the theme. 

“Frankly racist”.  In other words, if you don’t agree with me, I can call you names.   

Ms Anna Soubry, MP, doesn’t the best of records when it comes to calling names.  Just contrast her with Ms Caroline Flint, MP.

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