Monday, January 07, 2019

Facts. Facts. Facts.

What is the City Momentum Index?  Well, put simply, it is an index that covers 131 major established and emerging markets and tracks a broad range of factors to identify cities that have the strongest short-term socio-economic and commercial real estate momentum, and those that have the future-proofing capacity for longer-term success.   

So with all the government and CBI et al and their efforts to undermine an exit that allows the UK to break free from the uncompetitive EU, London will be no doubt suffering in its position on the index.  Won't it?  

Well, surprise surprise, in the top ten of cities that are in Future Proofing: Top 30 Global cites, there is little old London Town.  At number 4 after San Francisco, Silicon Valley and New York. It's a report one shouldn't take lightly given its by one of the most respected world leaders in real estate, Jones Lang La Salle.

Just compare those like JLL who have a UK base who take a facts based analysis rather than the route taken by hysterical people like Dame Caroline Spelman, the coordinator of a letter from 200 Remain MPs, who talk such nonsense about crashing out.  Their letter says a lot about those who are so focused on undermining the democracy of the UK.  They clearly think their 200 signatures are worth more than 17,410,742 who voted Leave.  Such is the out of touch arrogance that exists in the Westminster bubble.

Serious people who are on both sides of the debate gave up such language a long time ago.  Only those who want to thwart the largest democratic this nation has ever seen want to stop us becoming a truly global nation again.

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