Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Brexit : les secrets d'un bras de fer historique.

J’aurais réussi ma mission si, à la fin, le deal est tellement dur pour les Britanniques qu’ils préféront rester dans l’Union.”   

If you look back in the annals of the French current affairs weekly LePoint, in the 28th November 2018 edition you will see these words attributed to Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, spoken to EU leaders in 2016 after the UK referendum.   

The article adds that most of the leaders in the room shared his view, as well as the words of Jean-Claude Juncker, who said that Brexit must be a form of “punishment” for (these) deserters.  Not the sort of people you want to be your friends.   

Why are Remainers so blind to the reality of the EU and so keen to stay in the EU when this is their behaviour pattern? 

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