Thursday, January 10, 2019

Europe is forming an army

Deal or No Deal.  Noel Edmonds would be revelling in it all.   

But what does it mean?  So much focus has been made on trade.  What will happen at La Manche?  Well, nothing really, as Calais port authorities have said.  They are ready for whatever happens. Mr Jean-Marc Puissesseau made the remarks on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme earlier this week. “We have heard so many things about a hard Brexit. We have been preparing for no-deal for a year in Calais.  For the 29th March, we will be ready.  When the transport minister came to Calais, we told him we would be ready.  We will not check trucks more than we are today with the migrants.  The only thing we will be asking for is the customs declaration but we will not stop or ask more than we are doing today.”
That sounds pretty straightforward an answer from the man who controls the port of Calais. Unless politicians want to deliberately make it difficult.

Exporting?  Well, no issue there either.  Just ask the head of the WTO.  So why is all this fuss being made about getting a deal with the EU?   

And the answer is remarkably simple.  Basically Remainers don’t want to leave a political union.  And they throw a smokescreen  of trade uncertainty up to mask their real objectives.  And that is to keep us in a political union with all that entails. Harmonised tax policy, controlled by the EU.  

Same with foreign policy.  

Same with the military.  Remainers real goal is set out for them in German newspaper Handelsblatt in an article entitled “Europe is forming an army”.  Germany’s defence minister Ursula von der Leyen is pretty clear, and she has, in the process, hammered another nail in the Remainers referendum lie that the idea of an EU army was a fantasy.  A “dangerous fantasy” as the LibDems Nick Clegg (50 sec in) disingenuously called it.   

Turns it’s a dangerous reality…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So this must be why the EU is setting up its own army, to enforce the deal. Think I'm joking?