Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How to destroy hope.

Imagine your business two and a half years ago, was unsuccessful in tendering for a piece of work.   

Suppose you kept saying, “that’s so unfair, we should have won it, we demand that our tender is re-examined and we are given a 2nd chance to win the tender”.   

Meanwhile all the other businesses that had also tendered for the work said, “that is a pity we didn’t win that, let’s move on to winning other ones”.   

Which one would you want to work for?  Which company would still be in business?  

Meanwhile in the defeatist world that Mrs May inhabits, businesses are told to put contingency plans in motion while 3,500 troops will be put on standby.  

Note she doesn’t challenge them to go out and win lots of new work in a new dynamic world opening up in front of their eyes.  

Incredible fatalistic talk from our spineless prime minister. 

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