Saturday, December 01, 2018

The heart of our nation is our small businesses.

Did you know that 99% of UK businesses are what we call Small Medium Enterprises according to the Hiuse of Commons Library?   Just drive into any small industrial estate.  No multinationals there.  Just honest hard working business leaders who are risking their family homes as they try to make a living for themselves and all the staff they employ.  They can’t just up sticks and move production to where ever in the world labour is now cheapest or the government is offering incentives to them.  No, they are right here, the heart of the nation.   At the core of every UK economy. That is 5.6 million businesses with a turn over of a staggering £2.0 trillion!

So, what of the other 1% of businesses?  They are the big ones.  The multinationals.  The ones that can pack their bags and go to anywhere in the world they want to further their shareholders profits.   

Of course, it is the big multinationals that shall be the beneficiaries of the UK not leaving the EU.  As Nic Elliott, a Business Ambassador for Leave Means Leave, notes, it is the multinationals who want to "stifle competition and discourage new players from entering the market".  Which as we saw in the Dyson case that was Sir James vs the European Super state and its judicial processes that really didn’t like the fact that Dyson was challenging the very court that imposes restrictions on people like him who had innovative ideas that they didn’t like.  

It is always interesting to see what businesses are supporting Mrs May.  The big multi nationals.  Not the home grown like Dyson and international exporting companies like JCB who are British through and through.  JCB chairman Lord Bamford wrote to his company's 6,500 employees in the UK to explaining why he supports leaving the European Union.  In his letter he said he was "very confident that we can stand on our own two feet".  I think my money will always be on the judgement of the person who has built a business from nothing against someone who has never worked in the productive sector in their lives.

The fact is, most SME’s regard WTO as strong and stable as it provides certainty over the confusing and ill-conceived Agreement that Mrs Mays Deal has come up with that seems to provide never ending adherence to rules we will have no part in making.  And know what, all the SME's I come across were ready for leaving within 6 months of the Peoples Vote in 2016.

The real question is, if SME's were ready to leave with no deal with the EU, why in the first two years since the Peoples Vote in 2016 were the people who are supposed to be representing them, like Ms Rudd (Home Secretary), Mr Hammond (Chancellor) and Mrs May (Prime Minister), three of the great offices of state, not doing the same.  Instead they wasted precious month, now years.  It is their deliberate actions that has brought us to where we are today.  As is becoming clearer by the day, they never had any intention of allowing the UK parliament to implement what the people voted for.

In some countries that would be treated as a criminal activity against the state. 

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