Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Own goal.

European Court of Justice
So, the UK should be able to unilaterally cancel its withdrawal from the EU, according to a top European law officer.  The non-binding opinion was delivered by the European Court of Justice's advocate general.   Think about that for just a second or two.  Yes, a foreign court is telling us what our UK parliamnet can and cannot do.

This case was led by, among others, the SNPs Ms Joanna Cherry, QC, Member of Parliament for Edinburgh South West.  It was being done on the basis of trying to clarify the law.  Of course it was.  The thought that it could then be used to try and put down an amendment to a bill going through the UK parliament in an attempt to stop the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaving the European Union never crossed their minds.  Aye, right.

But I do hope she realises what she has just done.  She has used the courts to seek to overturn a democratic vote by the electorate.   

So if she and her SNP colleagues manage to secure a majority at a future referendum in relation to Scotland leaving the UK, she can expect years of court cases ending with the ECJ saying, actually, the vote can be overturned.   

For a QC, that’s a massive own goal she’s just scored.

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