Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Your money is not your own, apparently.

David Miliband was on the BBC Today programme this morning.  Most of the interview was about the EU.  He clearly has been out the country too long and was rather out of his depth under critical examination.  Tired and laboured slogans did nothing to inspire you.  Nothing new or constructive added to the debate.

To my ears it was a rather poor defence of staying beyond the usual scare stories.  But let’s grant him his some leeway as he is now based in the USA and perhaps is a little detached from the mood music that is going on in the opinion polls.

Whatever.  But he rather spoiled it all right at the end.  On inheritance tax.  He didn’t answer the question about his families own tax juggling on the occasion of his father’s passing.   

Instead he said “I think the government is proposing to increase to £1m the amount you can inherit.   I don’t support that.  There are better uses of public money.  What?  Did her really say that?  Yes he did.  Listen from 1:57:03 at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b076c9j8#play .

In seven words he displayed the real motivations of the Labour party.   He really believes that your money is owned by the government.   

It’s all about how much they will leave us with after taxing us rather asking the question “what can we do that we can reasonably ask tax payers to pay for”.

All governments are given permission by we, the people, to allow them to levy taxes.  It is with our consent. They should not take our money for granted.  That includes an inheritance we may leave to our children.

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