Tuesday, April 12, 2016

If you don't like what voters do, don't let them vote.

Where do they think like this one may ask.  Some banana republic?  Some nasty dictatorship?  Some totalitarian regime?

Well, no. You couldn’t make this stuff up.  This is a direct quote from Fraser Cameron, a former senior adviser to the European Commission.
Fraser Cameron. "Perhaps it is time for an EU ban on referenda!"
"Referenda are becoming a huge problem for the EU.  The latest result in the Netherlands on the Association Agreement with Ukraine is probably the worst possible outcome. If the turnout had been below 30% the Dutch government could have safely ignored the vote…

Undoubtedly there is a growing trend towards referenda. There have been over 50 in the last twenty years. Sometimes referenda are forced upon governments if there is sufficient voter support, as was the case in the Netherlands… Perhaps it is time for an EU ban on referenda!”

Well I never, governments having to bow to the pressure of the people who elected them.  How radical is that.  But Fraser Cameron really wouldn’t know much about that.  As far as I can see he has never stood for election.  

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