Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Saint Frank speaks the truth.

It’s funny that all these let wingers keep telling us that we will be doomed to a life of crime and zero human rights if we leave the EU.  Where did they get such nonsense from?  Some spin machine that is constantly spewing out half-truths or even whole whoppers of porkies.

Frank Field made a very significant comment yesterday.

Now Frank is a bit of a saint, really.  No one can have a go at him because he almost literally floats above the fray.  He is intellectual, he is left wing.  And on this occasion he is right.  Many of the social rights, which are trumpeted about as European, were ones which we actually took into Europe. It’s not that in fact somehow workers in this country were bereft of rights until we joined the European Union.”

So next time somebody tells you that there will be a bonfire of human rights legislation, just remember the quiet thoughtful words of Frank Field. 

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