Thursday, April 14, 2016

Poor wee UK, it could not cope on its own. Apparently.

Well, the starting pistol has been fired.  So as we begin, let us get some facts straight.  Things that we can all agree on.  Things Vote Leave and Britain Stronger in Europe can agree on.

Our place in the world.  The United Kingdom is the fifth largest economy in the world.  It is the fourth military power in the world.  It is a leading member of the G7It is one of five permanent seat-holders on the UN Security Council.  A leading member of NATO. These are facts about our position in the world no one can disagree with.  Which suggests we are at all the top tables in all the important areas of action in the world.  All on our own.  Not because we are part of the EU.

What about the economy?  Britain has created more jobs in the past five years than the other 27 EU states put together. Think about it, it is a truly extraordinary statistic. So our job creating economy is in a better state than the rest of the EU.

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