Tuesday, April 12, 2016

IMF predicts UK growth on BREXIT

Here’s a funny thing.

The latest International Monetary Fund figures predict that UK growth will outpace both Germany and France as well as the Eurozone as a whole in the short term in the aftermath of the UK taking control of its own future by leaving the EU.  

So why, in the next breath, is IMF chief Christine Lagarde talking up the view that freedom for the UK on a world stage by achieving Brexit will damage the UK.   What?  Both cant be right surely.  As one of my business colleagues always tell me, always forget the spin.  Numbers don’t tell lies.   So I think we should stick to them rather than listen to spin.

And is this not Christine Lagarde, the lady who is due to stand trial over an alleged €400 million fraud case?

Anyway, the Bank of England will stand ready to flood liquidity into the markets in the event of Brexit, which will have a soporific effect on markets. 

Cumulative economic impact?  Nothing will change, except, the UK will have gained political, economic and democratic freedom.

There is a long way to go before the vote, but the Financial Times is suggesting that a LEAVE vote is becoming more likely.

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