Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Knock knock. Who's there?

If people vote to leave it will automatically follow that no British government can ratify the present TTIP.  Thereafter, we can take back control and protect the NHS.”  So said David (now Lord) Owen in a speech today. 

What’s this?  The LEAVE campaign getting into in the act of scare stories?  Well I never!
And on he went, taking to bits this argument for staying, demolishing another.  A bit of a star performance by all accounts.  Indeed, one journalist present observed that “A Big Beast was in full flow. No one dared intervene.

Given the government have arranged for a scare story a day to keep the Leave vote away, maybe it’s time to stop being nice by simply saying the benefits of leaving.  Perhaps the LEAVE camp should start telling the scare stories of staying.  And there are big ones to tell.  

Let’s start with one.  Imagine you get a knock on the door tomorrow.  There is a police man.  He has come to take you away, to another country.  For a minor offence that may not even be an offence in the UK.   

Yes, you are about to be taken from the UK on a European Arrest Warrant that allows British citizens to be sent abroad and charged for crimes in foreign courts, often for minor offences.  No need to appear in a court in the UK before they take you out of the UK.   They will just take you. 

Don’t think it won’t happen.  It already has already happened to many individuals who have ended up in foreign gaols with no bail, on occasion for over a year, for a small misdemeanour like a traffic offence that may result in a fine in the UK..  Lives, jobs, families destroyed.  And we can’t stop it.   

Imagine that was you, or your son or daughter.  Leaving would stop this madness.

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