Monday, April 18, 2016

There you go again, George.

Remember the Ronald Reagan one liner put down "there you go again" in the 1980 presidential debate with Jimmy Carter.  It all but ended the aspirations of Carter to serve a second term.

Is history repeating itself? Here we go again.  Another scare story.  They are getting so silly they are really beginning to make the Chancellor and the PM look like maniacal cartoon characters. Unbelievable.

So, to balance, here are some facts with you in relation to the EU referendum.

  • By a 2:1 margin, UK businesses think the EU and Single Market are bad for jobs.
  • About two-thirds of businesses think Britain should take back the power to make our own trade agreements
  • Leading companies such as Vauxhall, Bentley, General Motors and JCB have said that their investment will not be damaged if we Vote Leave.
·         After we Vote Leave, we will have a friendly free trade deal with the EU. It is in all our interests.

Which does contrast rather with the scare tactic “facts” The Chancellor talked about on Monday.  A Treasury analysis, he suggests, shows an EU exit could see the UK economy 6% smaller than it would otherwise be by 2030 if we left the European Union.  Not many economists would bet their house on a prediction 14 years hence.  But the Chancellor expects us to accept his word.  Or more accurately, the Treasury’s word.  They may well be right.  But this of course is the same Treasury that got it so spectacularly wrong in the past.

  • The Treasury failed to forecast the huge damage membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism would inflicted on the UK.
  • The Treasury proffered dire warning if we didn’t join the Euro.  You can look back give thanks we didn’t join.  But what if the Treasury had got its way? 
  • They failed to forecast the damage to the UK of the Eurozone crisis of 2011.
So if they got it so utterly wrong on such big occasions in the past, how can we be sure they will not get it wrong this time.  We can’t.  And given they were the major decision of the recent past they got wrong, really, would you as a business leader back their judgement?  I wouldn’t.  Which is why the LEAVE approach is not to come up with ridiculous figures.  Of course they are criticised for not doing so with the suggestion that not coming up with figures somehow indicates they don’t have big arguments in its favour.

And if you go to Vote Leave you will find masses of information to help you understand why it is vital we Vote Leave. 

Those who say Vote Leave have no ideas couldn’t be further from the truth.

There is one observation more people are beginning to make.  It looks like the debate is dividing into two camps.  One side has the Chief Executives, the hired guns as it were and the institutions of Europe and the UK government.  Increasingly on the other side are the real entrepreneurs and risk takers in society.  The people who set up and run their own businesses.  The ones who really do put their house on the line in the spirit of enterprise.

I’m not sure which one of these two groups you would put your faith in when it comes to looking after our nation’s future.  If you are like me, I think I would rather go with those with that entrepreneurial spirit.

If you do then our nation can truly begin to be freed to breathe again.

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