Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dinner chat.......

I’m not sure if the rumour is true or not, but did the room turn colourful when the queen entertained the president?
Qn     Hello, it’s you again.  Like my Philips driving?  Not bad for 95, eh.  Had to laugh when I looked at your Michele’s face.  Same colour as her dress.  Talking of which, why are USA designers so poor? 
Ob     Oh, Ma’am. I’m not sure that…..
Qn     Not sure?  That’s about the most sensible thing you have said all day. 
Ob     Oh, Ma’am. I’m not sure that…..
Qn     Well, I’m looking forward to coming back to the old colony some time soon.  The invite in the post?
Ob     Oh, Ma’am. I’m not sure that…..
Qn     Oh yes, Mr Obama.  And I am so looking forward to telling the people of your republic that they really should start to allow Canada, Mexico, Cuba and that other bunch of countries packed into central America that they are going to have the chance to help set the laws that govern you.  After all, you just told my people to do just that.
Ob     Oh, Ma’am. I’m not sure that…..
Qn     Or the jobs.  Yes the million job threat you are making to people who work for UK companies in the USA.  Why have you have decided to put all these jobs at risk by putting us at the back of the queue?  Odd use of words was it not Mr Obama?  Queue. Where did you learn that line?  No American says queue.  Sounds like straight out of the scare briefing book kept at No 10 and No 11.  Must have a word with dear Mr Cameron about that.  It was a cheap line.
Ob     Oh, Ma’am. I’m not sure that…..
Qn     Of course it’s because we’re in the EU that we don’t have a trade deal with the USA.  Tell me Mr Obama, how do you think voters in my country will react when they see the USA President threatening them on the News at Ten?
Ob     Oh, Ma’am. I’m not sure that…..
Qn     Also worth reminding you, Mr Obama, that even now with no trade deal in place with the USA, the UK is the biggest investment partner already and the USA is the biggest investor in the UK (324 billion in your dollars).  And UK investment in the USA last year was 282 billion of your dollars.  Over a million Americans work for British companies and over a million Britons are employed by American companies.  We are already at the front of the queue doing $56 billion of transatlantic trade last year…So, how are you going to tell your people you are putting their jobs at risk?
Ob     Oh, Ma’am. I’m not sure that…..
Qn     Anyway, what is for pudding?

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