Sunday, November 25, 2018

There’s almost nothing true in Theresa May’s Brexit letter to the nation.

Well, that’s a pretty blunt headline on MSN.  But sadly it is true.  Anyone who has taken the trouble to read the Agreement and the political declaration will sadly come to the conclusion that Mrs May is either deliberately seeking to mislead the nation or she has lost the place.  I honestly don't know which it is.

The context is the 800-word message sent to the nation as she headed to the EC headquarters to have a time of handshakes and smiles.  In it she asserts the result of the EU referendum in 2016 would be honoured.  

The question was very simple. Do you want to stay in or leave the EU?  The consequences of voting leave was spelt out clearly by Remainers before the peoples vote (aka the Referendum). If we voted leave we would be leaving everything.  The people listened.  The people spoke.

So in order to believe Mrs May, it would have to be demonstrated that we were no longer subject to the rules of the EU which we have voted to leave.  Which I assume must have been what Mrs May was referring to when she stated that the UK would “take back control” of laws and money.

Those on the leave side are well used to these sort of misleading statements.  So I guess it wasn’t a surprise to read the following:  I don't say this lightly, but almost nothing in this desperate letter is true.   

What did surprise me was who said it.  Nicola Sturgeon. 

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