Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Disaster awaits. That's what Remainers said last time too.

Can you remember?  

It’s not that long ago we were told that:  A vote to Leave will push our economy into a recession. Within two years the size of our economy – our GDP – would be at least 3% smaller as a result of leaving the EU – and it could be as much as 6% smaller."     

And "A direct consequence of a vote to Leave the EU would be significant job losses across the UK. Within two years, at least half a million jobs would be lost… And that’s the lower end of the estimates – across Britain as many as 820,000 jobs could be lost."

Looking back we realise it was all nonsense.  Of course, the economy was not pushed into a recession.  Indeed, the opposite has occurred.   

But what is so depressing about  this new round of scare stories from Remainers like Mrs May is they are not even making the effort to come up with different things to scare us with.  It’s just rehashing the old stories. 

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