Friday, November 16, 2018

Perpetually living under the ECJ.

It was a remarkable coincidence that on the same day that Mrs May effectively cemented the UK to perpetual membership of the EU by allowing the EU to determine if we are ever allowed to leave (you couldn’t make that up, could you!), the European Court of Justice, (a misnomer if ever there was one, just ask Sir James Dyson), ordered, yes, ordered, the immediate halt to a £1bn scheme designed to keep Britain’s lights on.  

Through gritted teeth UK government spokesperson said the ruling “will not impact security or supply”.   

So why was the UK government undertaking such a scheme if it didn’t need to?  Of course, it did need to undertake it.   

But it just another angle on leaving the EU.  If we don't, this kind of behaviour will continue.  Until we do leave, our domestic agenda will forever be controlled by a foreign court. 

That is why we vote to leave.  And that is why we must leave.   

As a footnote to the story, your pension and mine took a big hit from this ECJ judgement.  Hundreds of millions of pounds was wiped off the largest energy companies which your pension funds invest in.  So the ECJ has just cost you a lot of money.

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