Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The EU empire. It's coming, like it or not.

Every day a new announcement.  No, not from the UK government, but from governments within the EU we voted to leave.   

Today’s gem is, and this is a direct quote for the French Finance Minister, “….the only way forward is an agreement between France and Germany; everything else is illusions and projects which will be short-lived.  Only an agreement between France and Germany can allow us to build this European sovereignty, which is our challenge, the challenge of our generation, the challenge of the next 25 years.”  He goes on: “….I’ll go even further: I think Europe has to become an empire again.  …. This is my personal firm belief: Europe has got to assert itself as a peaceful empire in the next 25 years.”    
He argues that beyond these great ambitions, "it is essential to build this peaceful empire and European sovereignty brick by brick.   ….Building this European sovereignty then means strengthening our economic power.  I think this is the first brick we’ve got to make rapid progress on. We should be looking at weeks and months much more than years.”  

Well, that’s pretty clear.   

And that comes hard on the heels of Angela Merkel, when addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg, singing the praises of  “European unification” and calling for a European Army.  She began her remarks by saying she was appearing before MEPs “with joy but also with gratitude, in front of the greatest parliament of the world.”  Problem is, I think she actually believes that.

Her vision, like that of president Macron, is a vision of creating a real, true, European army.

So let us be in no doubt.  Staying locked into the EU and its laws means we are in effect, signing up for a European Empire.

Now, I have no problem people arguing that such an idea is a good one, though I would disagree.  That is effectively LibDem policy.   

What I object to is this reality is hidden behind a so called “peoples vote” (yes, I know, we had one two years ago), and scare stories about the economy under WTO rules.  Why can’t they be honest and come out and just say we want to be part of this EU empire.  It’s more honest, and it would hopefully produce a better debate than the scare tactics they are once again dropping into, talking about those who voted to leave in effect being zealots.

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