Monday, November 19, 2018

Mrs May is not telling lies. But she is not telling the truth either.

Remember that tweet in June 2018 from Mr Trump declaring victory shortly after returning from Singapore and his meeting with Kim Jong Un.  

There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea”.   Really?  Did Kim agree to dismantle his nuclear programme?  Nope.   

So the emergence of secret missile bases and the reality that North Korea is continuing production of atomic warheads and nuclear-capable rockets, should hardly be a surprise to anyone according to Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and the author of the novel The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks Against the United States.    

So as we look back we can come to two of two conclusions.  Either Mr Trump’s announcement was a lie.  Or it suggested a complete misunderstanding on the president’s part of Kim’s plans and promises.    Kim didn’t deceive anyone,” Lewis added. “Trump deceived himself.”   

The similarities between that and what is happening between Mrs May and the EU is scarily striking.  The EU isn't telling lies or deceiving anyone.  They are forthright in what they are saying.  And if recent history is anything to go by in relation to nations like Greece, they keep their word.   

The problem is not the EU.  The problem is, like Mr Trump, Mrs May is deceiving herself.  And the  coterie of people who she has gathered around herself are people who tell her what she wants to hear, the insensitive bringing back of Ms Rudd being a case in point. 

If she truly believes that there is goodwill on the EU side to come up with a deal she would have no need of the so called backstop.  But the idea that the EU will allow compromise or show goodwill is a fantasy.  

One thing is sure, if we have that backstop, that is exactly where we will end up.  And history backs up that view.  

Mrs May is not telling lies.  She is not telling the truth which is different.  And she is doing that because she is deceiving herself.

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