Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Who said what?

Who said each of these statements:  Go on, guess.
  1. “I do think it’s a most peculiar costume for people to adopt in the 21st century, but that’s not to me for decide, when they’re not engaged in some serious issue such as giving evidence. That’s the bit that I think it’s almost impossible to have a proper trial if one of the persons is in a kind of bag.”
  2. “I wouldn’t want my four year old looked after by somebody wearing a burka. I wouldn’t want my elderly mum looked after by somebody wearing a burka. They need to be able to show their face. I wouldn’t mind if they worked in records in the hospital.” 
  3. “Would you interview me now if I was wearing a crash helmet with the visor down?”
  4. “Denmark has got it wrong.  Yes, the burka is oppressive and ridiculous – but that's still no reason to ban it.”
  1. Conservative Rt Honourable Kenneth Clark speaking about the burka on the BBC in 2013
  2. Labours Rt Honourable Emily Thornberry speaking on Question Time in 2013
  3. Conservatve Andrew Bridgen, MP, talks burkas on Sky News
  4. Rt Honourable Boris Johnson in the Daily Telegraph
The question is, why all the fuss over what Boris said?

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