Friday, August 24, 2018

That "lightbulb" moment.

Did you know that next week sees the great day when the EU will at last bring sense to the lightbulb marker place?  Yes, the sale of halogen lightbulbs will be banned by the EU.   

Now we all know that LED bulbs use less energy.  That’s why many of us, including businesses, long ago decided it was time to change bulbs.  In other words, most people who want to have already changed bulbs, and it’s highly likely that those who need a bulb in the future would buy the one that cost them less to run.  Why wouldn’t they?  

The thing is, given most already have made the switch based on the availability of a new product on the market, why is the EU passing legislation to force something to be done that the market has already dealt with.   

This is just another case of Big State knows best, following what businesses and people already are doing, spending our taxpayers money introducing legislation for something that has already happened, then taking the credit.

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